Virtual x86 - copy/v86: x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS
VMXRay - Explore VM images in your browser!
humphd/browser-shell: A Linux command-line shell in the browser - humphd/browser-vm: A small Linux x86 VM meant for use in the browser
PCjs Machines
Imran Nazar: GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript: The CPU - Two9A/jsGB: JavaScript emulation of the GameBoy console
jor1k: OpenRISC OR1K Javascript Emulator Running Linux With Network Support - s-macke/jor1k: Online OR1K Emulator running Linux
nepx/halfix: x86 PC emulator that runs both natively and in the browser, via WebAssembly
Rudroid - Writing the World's worst Android Emulator in Rust 🦀 -
gdm85/go-websockproxy: Websockets server for ethmac networking support to jor1k
jor1k ethmac support | Stuff Ben Built
could use WebRTC (UDP)
Last updated 3 years ago
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