Triangulator - Unity



This script can be used to split a 2D polygon into triangles. The algorithm supports concave polygons, but not polygons with holes, or multiple polygons at once. Usage

Create a new Triangulator object with a array of Vector2 points as the constructor parameter. Then get the indices by calling the Triangulate method on the Triangulator. You can now use the points and the indices to construct a mesh. Example use (attach this script to a game object):

using UnityEngine;

public class PolygonTester : MonoBehaviour {
	void Start () {
		// Create Vector2 vertices
		Vector2[] vertices2D = new Vector2[] {
			new Vector2(0,0),
			new Vector2(0,50),
			new Vector2(50,50),
			new Vector2(50,100),
			new Vector2(0,100),
			new Vector2(0,150),
			new Vector2(150,150),
			new Vector2(150,100),
			new Vector2(100,100),
			new Vector2(100,50),
			new Vector2(150,50),
			new Vector2(150,0),
		// Use the triangulator to get indices for creating triangles
		Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(vertices2D);
		int[] indices = tr.Triangulate();
		// Create the Vector3 vertices
		Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertices2D.Length];
		for (int i=0; i<vertices.Length; i++) {
			vertices[i] = new Vector3(vertices2D[i].x, vertices2D[i].y, 0);
		// Create the mesh
		Mesh msh = new Mesh();
		msh.vertices = vertices;
		msh.triangles = indices;
		// Set up game object with mesh;
		MeshFilter filter = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;
		filter.mesh = msh;


If you can't see a polygon created with this utility, remember to check if the polygon is facing the opposite direction. If it is, you can change that by constructing your mesh with the vertex indices in reverse order. C#- Triangulator.cs

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Triangulator
	private List<Vector2> m_points = new List<Vector2>();
	public Triangulator (Vector2[] points) {
		m_points = new List<Vector2>(points);

	public int[] Triangulate() {
		List<int> indices = new List<int>();
		int n = m_points.Count;
		if (n < 3)
			return indices.ToArray();
		int[] V = new int[n];
		if (Area() > 0) {
			for (int v = 0; v < n; v++)
				V[v] = v;
		else {
			for (int v = 0; v < n; v++)
				V[v] = (n - 1) - v;
		int nv = n;
		int count = 2 * nv;
		for (int m = 0, v = nv - 1; nv > 2; ) {
			if ((count--) <= 0)
				return indices.ToArray();
			int u = v;
			if (nv <= u)
				u = 0;
			v = u + 1;
			if (nv <= v)
				v = 0;
			int w = v + 1;
			if (nv <= w)
				w = 0;
			if (Snip(u, v, w, nv, V)) {
				int a, b, c, s, t;
				a = V[u];
				b = V[v];
				c = V[w];
				for (s = v, t = v + 1; t < nv; s++, t++)
					V[s] = V[t];
				count = 2 * nv;
		return indices.ToArray();

	private float Area () {
		int n = m_points.Count;
		float A = 0.0f;
		for (int p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q++) {
			Vector2 pval = m_points[p];
			Vector2 qval = m_points[q];
			A += pval.x * qval.y - qval.x * pval.y;
		return (A * 0.5f);

	private bool Snip (int u, int v, int w, int n, int[] V) {
		int p;
		Vector2 A = m_points[V[u]];
		Vector2 B = m_points[V[v]];
		Vector2 C = m_points[V[w]];
		if (Mathf.Epsilon > (((B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y)) - ((B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x))))
			return false;
		for (p = 0; p < n; p++) {
			if ((p == u) || (p == v) || (p == w))
			Vector2 P = m_points[V[p]];
			if (InsideTriangle(A, B, C, P))
				return false;
		return true;
	private bool InsideTriangle (Vector2 A, Vector2 B, Vector2 C, Vector2 P) {
		float ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy;
		float cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp;
		ax = C.x - B.x; ay = C.y - B.y;
		bx = A.x - C.x; by = A.y - C.y;
		cx = B.x - A.x; cy = B.y - A.y;
		apx = P.x - A.x; apy = P.y - A.y;
		bpx = P.x - B.x; bpy = P.y - B.y;
		cpx = P.x - C.x; cpy = P.y - C.y;
		aCROSSbp = ax * bpy - ay * bpx;
		cCROSSap = cx * apy - cy * apx;
		bCROSScp = bx * cpy - by * cpx;
		return ((aCROSSbp >= 0.0f) && (bCROSScp >= 0.0f) && (cCROSSap >= 0.0f));

Javascript Triangulator Code

The steps for using this triangulation code are the same as for the c sharp example. You just need to create a Triangulator object like this:

var tr:Triangulator = new Triangulator(); tr.initTriangulator(verts2d); var triangles:int[] = tr.Triangulate();

and then assign the triangles array to mesh.triangles of your desired mesh object.

javascript - Triangulator.js

import UnityEngine;
import System.Collections.Generic;

	private var m_points:List.<Vector2> = new List.<Vector2>();
	public function initTriangulator (points:Vector2[]) {
		m_points = new List.<Vector2>(points);

	public function Triangulate() {
		var indices:List.<int> = new List.<int>();
		var n:int = m_points.Count;
		if (n < 3)
			return indices.ToArray();
		var V:int[] = new int[n];
		if (Area() > 0) 
			for (var v:int = 0; v < n; v++)
				V[v] = v;
		else {
			for (v = 0; v < n; v++)
				V[v] = (n - 1) - v;
		var nv:int = n;
		var count:int = 2 * nv;
		var m=0;
		for (v = nv - 1; nv > 2; ) 
			if ((count--) <= 0)
				return indices.ToArray();
			var u:int = v;
			if (nv <= u)
				u = 0;
			v = u + 1;
			if (nv <= v)
				v = 0;
			var w:int = v + 1;
			if (nv <= w)
				w = 0;
			if (Snip(u, v, w, nv, V)) 
				var a:int;
				var b:int;
				var c:int;
				var s:int;
				var t:int;
				a = V[u];
				b = V[v];
				c = V[w];
				s = v;
				for (t = v + 1; t < nv; t++)
					V[s] = V[t];
				count = 2 * nv;
		return indices.ToArray();

	private function Area () {
		var n:int = m_points.Count;
		var A:float = 0.0f;
		var q:int=0;
		for (var p:int = n - 1; q < n; p = q++) {
			var pval:Vector2 = m_points[p];
			var qval:Vector2 = m_points[q];
			A += pval.x * qval.y - qval.x * pval.y;
		return (A * 0.5);

	private function Snip (u:int, v:int, w:int, n:int, V:int[]) {
		var p:int;
		var A:Vector2 = m_points[V[u]];
		var B:Vector2 = m_points[V[v]];
		var C:Vector2 = m_points[V[w]];
		if (Mathf.Epsilon > (((B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y)) - ((B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x))))
			return false;
		for (p = 0; p < n; p++) {
			if ((p == u) || (p == v) || (p == w))
			var P:Vector2 = m_points[V[p]];
			if (InsideTriangle(A, B, C, P))
				return false;
		return true;

	private function InsideTriangle (A:Vector2, B:Vector2, C:Vector2, P:Vector2) {
		var ax:float;
		var ay:float;
		var bx:float;
		var by:float;
		var cx:float;
		var cy:float;
		var apx:float;
		var apy:float;
		var bpx:float;
		var bpy:float;
		var cpx:float;
		var cpy:float;
		var cCROSSap:float;
		var bCROSScp:float;
		var aCROSSbp:float;
		ax = C.x - B.x; ay = C.y - B.y;
		bx = A.x - C.x; by = A.y - C.y;
		cx = B.x - A.x; cy = B.y - A.y;
		apx = P.x - A.x; apy = P.y - A.y;
		bpx = P.x - B.x; bpy = P.y - B.y;
		cpx = P.x - C.x; cpy = P.y - C.y;
		aCROSSbp = ax * bpy - ay * bpx;
		cCROSSap = cx * apy - cy * apx;
		bCROSScp = bx * cpy - by * cpx;
		return ((aCROSSbp >= 0.0) && (bCROSScp >= 0.0) && (cCROSSap >= 0.0));

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